UnRuffled Pets®
pheromone technology helps to calm anxious cats, helping them to lead happier and healthier lives.
Pheromones are a safe and natural remedy to reduce stress-related behavior in cats, such as:
Inappropriate spraying or marking
Aggression or fighting between other cats and/or dogs
Destructive scratching and clawing
Anti-social behavior
Obsessive-compulsive licking
Excessive meowing/yowling
Clinically proven, our pheromone technology mimics the pheromones produced by a mother cat to calm her kittens.
75% of cats live in multi-cat households
Aggression between cats make up 42% of feline behavior issues
Stressed or anxious cats may urine mark to increase their own comfort level
House soiling is the single leading cause for relinquishing cats.
373 Million cats are owned as pets in the world
32 Million homes in the US have cats
3.2 Million cats are relinquished each year
Only 40% of shelter pets get re-homed. The top reasons are for aggression, fear, and separation anxiety.